Marano Wedding

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you for always: Mr. & Mrs. Marano!

On a picture-perfect June day, Carmine and Haley celebrated their love story and united in marriage. The captivating setting of Mercantile Hall in Burlington, WI set the stage for a celebration of a lifetime. I have had the honor of officiating many weddings and celebrations of life for this lovely family. I am grateful for this family and how decades of friendship, life, and love continue to bring us all together and that I am entrusted with their most treasured events. It was an immense joy to help these two beautiful souls join together as husband and wife.

Enjoy a few excerpts from this special ceremony below.


Friendships are important, and it was through mutual friends that Carmine and Haley met at a 2016 New Year’s Eve concert. Living states apart at the time, their friendship grew over a distance until that summer when…as often happens…Kenosha calls its born and raised back home. First Haley and then Carmine…and families and friends could rejoice that these two wonderful people were back home where they belonged in Kenosha.

January 1st, 2020 marked an adventurous step in their relationship when the two moved into their first place together. Two and a half months in, the adventure really started- pandemic-induced working from home in a small space! Haley and Carmine proved to be a solid couple and great co-workers that could share and stay positive through adversity, and by the end of the year had an engagement to celebrate.

The following year, the couple purchased a home and ventured into the realm of remodeling. Their love thrived through that adventure as well, and they both credit each other for their easy-going teamwork that makes it all possible.

As I got to know Carmine and Haley more as a couple planning this ceremony, I can say it’s a beautiful feeling to be around them.

Carmine said, “Haley is the best person I’ve met in my life.”

Haley said, “I enjoy that we can be so goofy together and selflessly be there for each other.”

Their relationship has been deeply strengthened through enduring traumatic times and devastating losses together. Their love for each other feels natural and sincere. Their presence is calming, and it’s easy to sense that their love for each other is grounded.

From their Kenosha roots to the similarities with how they were raised in their big Italian families, this is definitely a love story that was meant to be. Haley and Carmine are even excited that both of their grandparents had 2nd kitchens in the basement and now they do, too! They can feel secure that their search for true love was successful and that their home is prepared for true Italian family gatherings.

Today, Carmine and Haley are ready to be united as a family. Along with all the family and friends witnessing this union today, sharing in the love are also those gone before us. May we know in our hearts that Haley’s stepdad, Kevin, Carmine’s dad, Peter, and Carmine’s brother, Rick are watching over this union with joy. With faith in each other, may Carmine and Haley’s marriage be blessed with eternal love and togetherness.



(Carmine) Haley, you are my best friend, my true love, and the single best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Your kindness and selflessness are beyond measure. You inspire me to be the best version of myself. You bring me joy on the dullest of days, and comfort on the most difficult. Words cannot express the impact you’ve had since we first met, but I assure you, my life is richer with you in it.

  • I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my days; to appreciate and admire you for both who you are today, and who you aspire to be.
  • I promise to inspire you when you doubt yourself, to motivate you to dream big, and to be there with you to celebrate your achievements.
  • I promise I will always be there; to protect you from harm, to support you in times of adversity, and to comfort you in times of misfortune.
  • I promise to be faithful, and to never give up on us; no matter what challenges we may face.
  • I promise to keep our lives exciting, adventurous, and full of passion no matter how old we grow.
  • And finally, I promise to show you, every day, that I know exactly how lucky I am to have you.

Haley, I already love you more than I did yesterday, and my love for you will continue to grow every day for the rest of our lives.

(Haley) Carmine, who knew a couple of ear tugs at a New Year’s Eve concert would have led us to where we are today. I am so grateful for that day and for the friends who brought us together because I could not imagine doing life without you. When talking about writing my vows a wise man told me to tell the world why I choose you. Therefore, that is exactly what I am going to do.

Carmine, I choose you because you are my best friend and better half. You are truly everything I am not and because of that, you challenge me to be the best version of myself every single day. You are patient, optimistic, and forgiving. All qualities that I struggle to find in myself at times, but you help me find them. Your smile is infectious, you make me laugh and hold me when I cry. You have been there for me through some of the toughest moments in my life and I know Kevin is looking down on us today smiling and happy that you are the man I am marrying. Through all my flaws, bad habits, goofiness and quirks you chose to love me anyways and because of that I am the luckiest girl in the world. I will try my hardest to never take that for granted.

I know that vows are supposed to be promises that we make to one another and, while I am sure I could have googled a long list of a million cute promises to say to you today, you know that that is just not me and I know I am imperfect, and I cannot possibly promise to do all those things all of the time. Also, I would not have had enough time because I waited until the last minute to write my vows. However, I can promise this; I will love you every single day in all the ways that I know how. Sometimes I will be scared, and sometimes I will be brave, but I promise to be there for you, to choose you, and to choose us every single day and for the rest of our lives.

Carmine, you will forever be the home I want to come home to. I love you. Always.


Haley and Carmine, grab each other’s hand for solid ground, gravity can’t hold you down.


To Mr. and Mrs. Marano and a lifetime of love! Cheers!

Stories of A Lifetime LLC