Letter #9: 6/26/20

Stories of A Lifetime Presents: “The Letters”

Community correspondence sparked from the isolating 2020 pandemic focused on easing the burden of loneliness. 

Hello, my name is Holly. I am 40 years old and a single mom of a 9-year old boy named Easton. His father, Brian, passed away from cancer two years ago. I enjoy writing, I love history, and I like being a helpful, involved community member. I keep thinking about my grandma, and if she were alive today how lonely she would be because of this pandemic. I know receiving a letter would turn her day around. It wouldn’t matter if the writing was profound or merely about what I ate for dinner. Knowing someone cared to communicate would bring instant joy. So, my friend, I’d like to write some letters to you. I know they will help me feel useful and less lonely. I hope these letters are helpful to you and that they spark you to reminisce about your own life, love, and good times.


June 26th, 2020

Dear Friend,

Today our family celebrated a milestone event! My nephew just graduated high school and he enlisted in the Army for 4 years. He chose the infantry division. He has wanted to be a soldier his whole life. I can’t believe he is old enough already. Where did the time go? He was just playing with little green plastic soldiers and asking Great-Grandpa Jerry to tell him stories about being a WWII Marine. He leaves for Basic Training in Georgia on Monday. He seemed nervous but still confident and excited. His mom/my sister was in the Army Reserve in the early 90s. He kept saying, “If my mom could survive Basic so can I.” He may just find out exactly how tough his mom really is. I wish him much success and safety as he pursues his military career.

The party for him was nice. We stayed outside and maintained distance from each other because of the pandemic concerns. It was hard to not hug and squeeze my nephew. I really wanted to, but sadly we need to be cautious about that right now.

Were you or any of your loved ones in the military? Where did you or they go to Basic Training?

After the party I had a meeting with the women’s group that I’m a member of. We raise money throughout the year that we in turn distribute back to the community in the form of mini-grants. We award the funds to local non-profits that support women and children. It was wonderful to read the applications and know that so much good is being done in our community FOR our community. We were able to select multiple mini-grant recipients this year, and I can’t wait for these organizations to be notified that they are getting the financial support they requested.

Were you or are you still a member of a local organization/club? What drew you to be a part of that club? What did you do for the community or for the members of the group? I’d like to hear about it, friend.

My puppies are a week shy of being 7 months old. They have made so much progress with learning to go “potty outside.” I’ve trained puppies before but this is my first-time training 2 at the same time! It’s been challenging and messy, but these two fluff balls are so darn cute and their snuggles make up for all the struggles. We are well on our way to having 2 well-trained and loving dogs. My son and I are so happy. Tell me some more about the dogs or other pets in your life. I need to go let the pups out now!

With love,



If you’d like to write back to me, you are very welcome to.

I will get a PO Box soon and let you know what that is. For now, maybe someone could help you scan and email your letters back to me at Holly@StoriesofALifetimeLLC.com. Otherwise, maybe you’ll find it helpful to just journal your thoughts and write them down without sending them. You do what is helpful to you, friend.

Conversation Starters:

Were you or any of your loved ones in the military? Where did you or they go to Basic Training? Were you or are you still a member of a local organization/club? What drew you to be a part of that club? What did you do for the community or for the members of the group? Tell me some more about the dogs or other pets in your life.

Stories of A Lifetime LLC