Letter #7: 6/18/20

Stories of A Lifetime Presents: “The Letters”

Community correspondence sparked from the isolating 2020 pandemic focused on easing the burden of loneliness. 

Hello, my name is Holly. I am 40 years old and a single mom of a 9-year old boy named Easton. His father, Brian, passed away from cancer two years ago. I enjoy writing, I love history, and I like being a helpful, involved community member. I keep thinking about my grandma, and if she were alive today how lonely she would be because of this pandemic. I know receiving a letter would turn her day around. It wouldn’t matter if the writing was profound or merely about what I ate for dinner. Knowing someone cared to communicate would bring instant joy. So, my friend, I’d like to write some letters to you. I know they will help me feel useful and less lonely. I hope these letters are helpful to you and that they spark you to reminisce about your own life, love, and good times.


June 18th, 2020

Dear Friend,

Today would’ve been my mom and step-dad’s 39th wedding anniversary. They were married at Kemper Center in Kenosha on the shores of Lake Michigan. There is a memorial brick for them on the walkway outside of the chapel. Papa, as I called him, has been gone since March 2007. On June 18th, 2007, my mom went through her first anniversary without him and little did we know that a puppy was born that day that would soon come into our lives.

Later that summer, my neighbor knocked on my door with an odd request for me. He knew I had a dog that I took loving care of. He and his wife had just bought a puppy and they quickly realized that they could not properly care for him. They asked my husband and I if we’d like to welcome their dog into our family. The pup was an adorable bundle of energy with short little legs and giant ears that stood straight up. We found out his birthday was June 18th. I told Brian it was meant to be! He was born on my parents’ anniversary. Maybe Papa sent us this sign of love and that life goes on. That day the goofy looking Pembroke Welsh Corgi joined our family and we named him Leinie.

Our floppy little Maltese named Moppsy and our new Leinie made an interesting duo. They became an excellent brother and sister pair. Corgis are herding dogs and we’d tell Leinie to “herd her up” when we were trying to get the dogs back inside and he’d run so fast with his little legs and round up the tiny 9-pound Moppsy. Oh, the good days! So much fun, my friend.

Moppsy has been gone for years now and Leinie went to live with my sister when her kids were little and they so desperately wanted a dog. They lived very close to me so we were together a lot. Leinie is an old pup now with some health concerns but he made it to age 13 today! He came over for a visit and had a good time rolling in the grass. When I say Moppsy’s name his ears still perk up. Makes me a bit sad, honestly. However, I’m so grateful for all the good times and all the fun we had.

When is your wedding anniversary? Were there any special dogs or other pets in your life? My grandma had a dog named Heidi over 40 years ago. She’d still occasionally call me Heidi as she ran through all the family names to get to mine- Holly. I used to think that was so funny. I’m understanding that name confusion more and more as I get older. I just called my dog by my son’s name. No wonder he wasn’t listening to me! Haha!

With love,



If you’d like to write back to me, you are very welcome to.

I will get a PO Box soon and let you know what that is. For now, maybe someone could help you scan and email your letters back to me at Holly@StoriesofALifetimeLLC.com. Otherwise, maybe you’ll find it helpful to just journal your thoughts and write them down without sending them. You do what is helpful to you, friend.

Conversation Starters:

When is your wedding anniversary? Were there any special dogs or other pets in your life?

Stories of A Lifetime LLC