Letter #17: 1/15/21

Stories of A Lifetime Presents: “The Letters”

Community correspondence sparked from the isolating 2020 pandemic focused on easing the burden of loneliness. 

Hello, my name is Holly. I am 41 years old and a single mom of a 10-year old boy named Easton. His father, Brian, passed away from cancer three years ago. I enjoy writing, I love history, and I like being a helpful, involved community member. I keep thinking about my grandma, and if she were alive today how lonely she would be because of this pandemic. I know receiving a letter would turn her day around. It wouldn’t matter if the writing was profound or merely about what I ate for dinner. Knowing someone cared to communicate would bring instant joy. So, my friend, I’d like to write some letters to you. I know they will help me feel useful and less lonely. I hope these letters are helpful to you and that they spark you to reminisce about your own life, love, and good times.


January 15th, 2021

Dear Friend,

Happy New Year! Wow, the year is now 2021! It seems like it was just the 1980’s and I was a carefree child doing cartwheels on the grass and frequenting the roller rink. How did it get to be 2021? Today is my 41st birthday and I can tell you that the years seemed to fly by faster than I could eat an ice cream cone on a hot summer day. I catch myself thinking about all I’m going to do when I grow up, and then I realize I’m middle age! Ah, time can seem like a cruel joke and a beautiful blessing all at once. I’m grateful for this birthday, for the years that have gone by, and I hope to continue to make the most out of the years to come.

What was your favorite birthday memory, my friend? Was it a special celebration? Maybe a surprise party or a particular present? I remember the excitement of bringing a birthday treat to school to share with my classmates and teachers. That used to be such a big, fun moment. My favorite was the cupcakes that looked like Cabbage Patch dolls circa 1985. Great memories!

The puppies that my son and I adopted last spring just turned 1 year-old in December. They are Papillon-Cockapoos and they have each grown into their own adorable personalities. It was a challenge to train two puppies at the same time, but I think we’re in pretty good shape now. I can tell how much smarter this breed is than the Maltese I used to have. I notice it in little things such as when they are on a leash outside and get their feet tangled up these dogs figure out how to get unstuck. My Maltese would just look at me and wait to be rescued. Silly doggy! Did you have any dogs? What breeds? I think it is so fun how different each dog breed is and how their skills and traits vary.

For Christmas my friend and I built my son a loft in his room. It turned out even more amazing than I had pictured it! Now his bed is lofted up and he has a play space underneath. We added some cool lighting and he has a great space to enjoy now. It’s interesting the stage he is in- caught between a boy and a teen. While he is thrilled about his more exciting, grown-up room, his other favorite Christmas present was an enormous stuffed animal. Santa just had to! It may be the last year he asks for a stuffed animal.

Blessings to you, my friend, as we embark upon this new year.

With love,



If you’d like to write back to me, you are very welcome to.

I will get a PO Box soon and let you know what that is. For now, maybe someone could help you scan and email your letters back to me at Holly@StoriesofALifetimeLLC.com. Otherwise, maybe you’ll find it helpful to just journal your thoughts and write them down without sending them. You do what is helpful to you, friend.

Conversation Starters:

What was your favorite birthday memory? Was it a special celebration? Maybe a surprise party or a particular present? Did you have any dogs? What breeds?

Stories of A Lifetime LLC