Hetland Renewal

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you with love: Mr. & Mrs. Hetland!

Patty and Paul were full of joyful jitters on this beautiful summer day. Even though they were already Mr. and Mrs., this vow renewal ceremony meant so much to the both of them. It was precious to be part of! The love they share is simple and pure. It was a delight to help them reaffirm their vows. Shout out to Patty for baking her own wedding cakes! They were gorgeous and delicious!

Enjoy a few excerpts from this special ceremony below.


It is a beautiful blessing how life leads us through winding, cluttered pathways, and then suddenly, the path straightens and clears, and you’re amazed to find that you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. And it’s even more incredible when you look beside you and you find the person who is meant to be right there with you.

The winding pathways of Patty’s and Paul’s lives crossed so very many times. Their children got in trouble together…I mean went to school together. However, it wasn’t until a backyard BBQ in 2015, that they tell me wasn’t really a BBQ, that their paths began to merge. Shortly after, Patty received a phone call from Paul asking her to dinner. The path was clearing, and what had always been meant to be was finding a way. Within two years they were married, and Paul said, “We couldn’t have written our love story better.”

Together with their children and grandchildren, Patty and Paul reaffirm their eternal love and commitment to each other today.

Patty and Paul as you journey through a lifetime of love together, may you continue to be the rock that the other needs. May you continue to enjoy the wonders of nature and find adventure together. Stay positive when you can. Endure together when you must. May your love stay strong when life and love are simple, and may your love prove to be even stronger when life and love are challenging.

May we know in our hearts that those gone before us are watching over this marriage with joy and peace, especially Paul’s daughter Amber, niece Shelly, nephew John, parents of the groom Agnes and Vilas, and father of the bride Roy. They would not want your hearts to be troubled. Know that they are with you always.


Patty and Paul, your union has also united your families. This sand ceremony is a beautiful representation of the joining of your lives. You each chose a unique color sand to represent your individuality. As the grains of sand get combined into this one vessel, your lives blend together as one. Each color will always be visible, just as your uniqueness will always remain. However, once these grains of sand intermix, they will become inseparable- just like your union and devotion to each other. You are creating a beautifully blended family.



(Paul) Patricia Rose, seven years ago, before we met, life seemed to be just one long day after another. I was filled with bad decisions and personal regret (self-made roadblocks, if you will). Then, you came into my life, and everything changed. I fell almost instantly in love with you and your beautiful smile. You have the biggest heart I’ve ever known. Your kindness never ends. You have the most amazing way of viewing and living life!

Over the years, we have been through the extremes of unbearable life events and crazy, amazing adventures. I’m so grateful to have you as my partner on this wild, unpredictable life journey. You are my superhero without a cape. You are my best friend. I will spend the rest of my life loving you.

I promise from this day forward you will be my #1 priority. I promise to be there for you in all that life brings our way. It’s because of you (I believe) that I am here today! I vow to give you all that I am and all that I have for the rest of our lives.

I love you.

(Patty) Paul, before you came into my life again, I had given up on love. Years of making the wrong choices had me questioning if I was even worthy of it. In our seven years together, you have shown me what being loved truly is.

I love that you always know how to make me smile, that we share the same dreams, and that you will without hesitation pluck a booger right out of my nose and tell me I’m pretty. I love that no matter what life throws at you that you still love life. I love that you have the purest heart of anyone I’ve met. When you love, you love BIG!

I promise to be here for you through thick and thin and to honor our marriage vows. I promise to never stay angry at you for long, to always be proud of your accomplishments, and to help you if you falter. I promise to be your wife, your best friend, your caregiver, your partner in crime, and your everything.

Most of all, I promise to love you forever.


To Mr. & Mrs. Hetland and a lifetime of love! Cheers!

Stories of A Lifetime LLC