Brown Wedding

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you with love: Mr. & Mrs. Brown!

Nestled in the woods of The Farm at Dover, Ian and Brooke united in marriage on a brisk and beautiful fall day. Loved ones gathered to celebrate this joyous occasion and enjoyed the unique serenity of the woods and barn. This couple is sweet and sincere, and it was a lovely honor to officiate their wedding ceremony.

Enjoy a few excerpts from this special ceremony below. Photo Credit Lindsay Stayton Photography


What a blessing it is for all of us to be here celebrating the love that Ian and Brooke share. This beautiful relationship between Ian and Brooke began in 2008, and Ian said it has taken an embarrassingly long time to get here, but here we are. And it is perfect. Remember, this is all happening according to God’s timeframe and not our own.

Ian and Brooke met in high school and hung out as friends. They rang in the New Year of 2008 together. Then, 18 days into the New Year, Ian had the courage to ask Brooke out. They ended up having a first date to remember! And laugh about. And pay tribute to annually.

Their first date turned out to be on Valentine’s Day. No pressure there, right? From Brooke getting served the wrong food to Ian losing his wallet to going to a terrible movie, the date was full of reasons to give up; however, Ian and Brooke laughed, found solutions, and stuck together. I don’t know a better formula for a successful marriage, and you both did it naturally from day one.

Laugh when things don’t go as planned- because not much will go as planned as you journey through the rest of your days together. Find solutions- don’t let the struggles define you, bring you down or make you lose sight of your love for each other. There will always be a way through or around or over the obstacle, so work toward a solution. Stick together- through easy times and challenging times, through storms and wrong orders and bad movies, hold hands and venture onward together.

Now, Ian and Brooke watch that same terrible movie every year and celebrate how their love story began. There are 14 years between that first date and today. You two have been through so much together as you completed high school and college and entered into your careers. You became dog parents together to your sweet Nala. You have established a beautiful life together that includes gaming time, matinees, travel, and time with family.

You both say you are simple people, and I say that you simply are meant to be together. That is what makes this all work, and that is what makes this all seem effortless and natural.

Brooke said, “Our love is easy, comfortable, trusting, and fun.”

Ian said, “Our love is heartwarming and fun, and we enjoy each other’s company.”

Remember these sentiments. Stay true to yourselves and each other, and may God bless your marriage.

Today, in the presence of these witnesses and along with their fur baby, Nala, Ian and Brooke are ready to be united as a family. Also sharing in the love today are those gone before us. May we know in our hearts that Ian’s Uncle Jack, Brooke’s Grandpa and Grandma, Brooke’s Papa, and Brooke’s father, Patrick, are watching over this union with joy. With faith in each other and faith in God, may Ian and Brooke’s marriage and family be blessed with eternal love and togetherness.


Ian and Brooke, your union today also unites your families. This sand ceremony is a beautiful representation of the joining of your lives. Each of you chose a unique color sand to represent your individuality. As the grains of sand get combined into this one vessel, your lives blend together as one family. Each color will always be visible, just as your uniqueness will always remain. However, once these grains of sand intermix, they will become inseparable- just like your union and devotion to each other. You are creating a beautiful, colorful, unique family.



(Ian) Brooke, I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to appreciate you, to grow with you, and to be supportive of you. I will cherish you always. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years together and all that life may bring us.

(Brooke) Ian, I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to appreciate you, to grow with you, and to be supportive of you. I will cherish you always. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years together and all that life may bring us.


To Mr. and Mrs. Brown and a lifetime of love! Cheers!

Stories of A Lifetime LLC